Different to FeedsyExclusive, this content is written with only your business in mind
Content written with only your business in mind with FeedsyWrite
Do you have ideas for stories or articles you’d like written just for your business?
Do you like content written in a particular way, on subjects you know will interest your clients?
Now, with FeedsyWrite, Feedsy customers can form article ideas to our team of professional writers. You can bring with you fully formed briefs, target keywords for SEO, a quote from your CEO and a succinct definition of your brand personality - or nothing but a desire to use content to reach people in an area you both find interesting.
Once approved, stories are fed straight onto your FeedsyWeb for people to discover and you to share at any time. Your FeedsyWrite articles are beautifully auto-published to your FeedsyMail or put to paper in seconds with FeedsyPrint the same way as the rest of your content.
Forget spending money on ads. Content is the new black.
With FeedsyWrite, you can expect
Quality articles written with only your business in mind
World-class, professional writers and journalists
500 words + one image
Search engine optimisation (SEO) including meta data
Super-streamlined briefing (especially for multiple articles)
Review and make one round of changes before approving
(Additional rounds of changes can be made at $66 per round)Articles published to your Feedsy Mail and Web
An asset you can use again and again to promote your brand.
Choose from single or multiple bundle article pricing
Monthly Article
Book in an easy briefing session for your article
(only available with Feedsy or FeedsyLite plans).
Single Article
Book in an easy briefing session for your article
(published any time over the next 12 months).
3 Article Bundle
You can brief your three articles all at once or singly
Do you have a question or want to speak to someone? We are here to help.